
Monday, October 31, 2011

Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead

I'm an American. It's no surprise just looking around at the grocery store or anywhere else for that matter that we as Americans have a problem. Obesity. The disease that is killing millions in a slow and progressive manner. If obesity is the gun to our own suicide, then food is the ammunition.

Food can hold so much for an individual. The act of eating something can be therapeutic. People have a tendency to attach emotional ties to food. Food can hold memories that elicit pleasure. We as humans are a pleasure seeking species. We want to feel good. The natural high that a delicious meal can create can be quite satisfying. So satisfying that millions of Americans are now facing a problem created by over eating. The epidemic of obesity.

Tonight I watched the documentary Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead for the second time. A couple weeks ago after my husband had mentioned the existence of this film, I decided to check it out on Netflix. I sat and watched the entire documentary in complete awe. The stories in the film are completely inspiring and full of hope. I encouraged my husband to watch the film. Tonight we watched it together.

The documentary begins with an Australian businessman, Joe Cross, as he is in the midst of his journey across America. In the film, Joe Cross is a man in his early forties. He has lived a life of luxury consisting of parties, beer, food, and lack of sleep. The choices of his lifestyle had caught up with him. He came to the realization that if he didn't make necessary changes, he would soon be dead.

The film follows Joe on his journey to a new Joe. All accomplished with a sixty day juice fast. For sixty days, Joe consumes only vegetable and fruit juice in place of eating meals. It's an extraordinary film that documents the changes he undergoes to a healthier lifestyle. I really enjoyed all the nutritional information in this film. The film also challenges the viewer to assess their own lifestyle and dietary choices. As Joe's sixty day fast comes to an end, another story begins. This is my favorite part of the film and because I'm writing this review to recommend the viewing of this documentary, I won't spoil the powerful story that unfolds.

Overall, I really enjoyed this film. What I really liked in this film was the fact that Joe and others participating are shown exercising in combination with the juice fast. I think a common diet misconception is that dieting alone is a cure all for obesity. That is not true. Exercise is just as important to maintain a healthy weight and this film depicts that reality.

A few weeks ago, my husband and I purchased our very own Breville juicer. I hadn't seen the documentary at the time. My husband was inspired by a coworker of his who was supplementing his diet with juice. The coworker had seen the documentary and recommended it. Juicing has been a fun activity and my husband has begun incorporating juice in his daily diet. Neither one of us consider ourselves to be extremists, therefore fasting doesn't appeal to us. The nutritional benefits alone of consuming fresh juice were enough of a motivation to implement juice into our diets. Not to mention the fact that juicing is a lot of fun!

Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead has inspired thousands of people to change their lives. The trend that has transpired from the documentary has become known as rebooting your life. For more information on incorporating juice nutrition into your life visit Participants can join in on a reboot program and get started on a healthier and fresh new life. Overall, I highly recommend this documentary. The impact it could have on your life and outlook could motivate you or someone you know to save their life before it's too late.

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