When I began the house hunt for myself, I made it quite clear to my realtor (unknown to me at the time was actually a few years younger than me- LOL), that he must find me a house with a space suitable for my pole. Ah yes, the pole took priority in the planning process for where I would come to find a place to call home. One must remember, I traded one relationship for another at this point in my life. I like to think that I was deeply committed at this stage to my love affair with my pole. It was almost as if my pole took on it's own life. A partner whom I was considering in this exciting life transition to home ownership. Little did I know, this perfect partner of mine would lead me to the perfect place to call home. A cozy lakeside home with a wood burning fireplace, beautiful and relaxing view of a lake with wildlife, and a man whom was selling the place. A man that would become my future husband. Oh- and of course, the perfect space for my pole.
Closing time came and went. I moved into my new home. It was all my own and I was more than excited to start the process of giving my white walls a bit of character. My pole had upgraded into it's own personal space. A room all of it's own. My meditation room.
I began a friendship with the previous homeowner which soon blossomed into a loving relationship that was loyal and honest. A relationship full of excitement and fun. I was shocked to hear from all my friends and family as they began cashing in their predictions. They all knew what I'd kept deep inside my heart. This was the man I was going to marry. From the first moment we'd actively engaged in our quest to court each other, I was open and honest about my passion for pole dancing. I laid it all out on the table. He was understanding and compassionate. Of course, what man would walk away from a woman who had a pole in the room you used to call your office? I think the pole dancing as my form of exercise added to my uniquely exotic charm I liked to exude from my persona. It's what made me sexually appealing. It gave me that edge that was necessary in such a competitive world of dating. Little did I know, Mr. Future Husband was juggling relationship decisions of his own. As we all were in those early days of trying to find a life long companion. Or even just finding someone you'd like to spend an evening with while enjoying great conversation. In the world of a young single female enjoying a life of independence, I was free to explore everything the modern day dating culture had to offer. I don't hold any grudges against my husband because he too was experiencing his own freedom. From the moment we decided on a monogamist union, I trust that he ended all other potential relationships and committed his heart one hundred percent.
Throughout the years as our relationship has grown and our living arrangements have molded into my dwelling or what I like to refer to as the house of karmic love, my pole space has evolved in many forms of it's own. From a separate room to again sharing a room with my bed and back to it's own room redefined with floor to ceiling mirrors, my pole has never once been neglected for long. I have created a special place for my pole where I can freely express myself through my dance. It had taken me three years of contemplation to design an area with a custom dance floor and large mirrors covering an entire wall. A situation causing me anger and forcing me to redefine my own dance space was the catalyst to my own pole room. A place solely for the purpose of my dance. My personal meditation room. Created through my desire for my dance with the loving help of my husband. I dance within the comfort of my space knowing that this is where my heart has led me.
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