
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Poise, Posture, & Grace. Ballet.

Yesterday was my first time ever taking a ballet class.  Ballet has always been a mysterious dance form for me.  I never had the opportunity to experience Ballet as a child and have spent the last four years studying diligently various forms of dance only to find myself always pondering what skills I would acquire from Ballet.  After having to take Modern Technique for the upcoming show I've been cast in, I discovered the theatre offered adult beginner level classes.  I was thrilled to discover that while I'd decided to participate in learning what I could about Ballet, that the theatre's latest series of classes was about to begin. 

In preparation for my first lesson, I decided it would be wise for me to do a little research to find out what exactly should I expect for my initial lesson.  I was glad I did this as many of the things I'd learned online served as a solid basis that allowed me to easily flow along with the other students in class.  The information provided by offers readers with a detailed online introductory lesson.  I learned essential basics such as the five basic positions, posture, and movement terminology.  All of which I experienced in my first lesson.  Having a basic understanding of these terms helped me fit right in and practice my form rather than stumble over my own confusion. 

My class began with basic barre exercises utilizing the positions.  I found fifth position to be a little difficult as a beginner, therefore I maintained comfort within my first, second, and third positions.  The stretching movements performed during the class felt good.  I was able to determine what areas I need improvement on with my own body as Ballet focuses on bilateral form for an equalization of strengthening and stretching.  My left hip was quite stiff and slightly hindered my ability to perform moves that came quite easily for my right.  I also found that during moves if I maintained first position with my arms or kept them hinged at my hips with correct form of my upper body, I was able to comfortably focus on the foot work.  I will work on adding in the arm movements as I progress.  My teacher was wonderful. She was an older woman that reminded me of my late grandmother.  I could tell she really enjoys Ballet and has an eye for her student's in teaching them the correct form.  She gently corrected us in our form when necessary.  The overall environment of the class was comfortable and the curriculum flowed well throughout the 90 minutes of class time.   The cool down portion of class was my favorite as it focused on form and posture that enabled me to feel a good stretch throughout.  Overall, I really enjoyed my Ballet class experience.  I look forward to future classes and the purchasing of my first pair of Ballet shoes. 

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