
Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Best Holiday Gifts for Pole & Aerial Dancers

This holiday season we decided to compile a list of our all time favorite pole and aerial related items for those looking to buy a little something special for their favorite pole dancer or aerialist.  Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored and is purely for entertainment as it contains our own personal opinion.  Let's get started!

1. A Gift Certificate to her favorite pole or aerial class! Of course I'd include this as number 1- I admit, I may be a little biased here being this is my business' blog. But what pole dancer or aerialist would pass up on a free class? Great little stocking stuffer.  So if it isn't a gift certificate to my studio per say, it is still a great idea to get them a gift card to whatever studio it is they do attend.

2.  Leg warmers.  Perfect for both pole dancers and aerialists.  Studios are cold and these are the best remedy to warming up when there is a chill in the air. Once our chilly bones and muscles are warm, leg warmers are easy to slide off which is why they are a must have favorite item. Dance Wear Solutions and All About Dance have a great selection of leg warmers that a specifically designed for dancers.

3. Leggings.  No longer do you need to worry about boring solid color leggings.  There's a variety of fun prints out there for these form fitting bottom attire.  Nothing is more fun than being fashionable- unless of course you're old school and like to wear your hard work with pride through your dance attire holes and all. But for those of us that love accessorizing, leggings are a must.  Leggings are the preferred attire for so many aerialists because they cling comfortably to your body.  Clothing that allows effortless movement is more about safety than anything else.  And if you can love what you're wearing while doing it, why not? A friend of mine posted a link of her wearing some awesome leggings with #blackmilkclothing. Upon looking up what exactly "black milk clothing" was, I discovered an amazing collection of leggings appropriate for circus style fitness fashion.  Check out these amazing leggings here: Black Milk Clothing.

4.  Sports bars and boy shorts.  You can never have too many of either of these items.  Guaranteed to never go out of style in a pole or aerial class. Bad Kitty Exotic Wear sells an assortment of pole specific attire including their PoleFit line designed specifically with pole fitness in mind. 

5. Foot wear.  Aerial classes are generally conducted in bare feet, however pole classes may or may not incorporate foot wear.  For those attending the studio environment know all too well that hardwood floors and bare feet don't always make the best combination.  For this reason, I love wearing ballet flats in my classes.  Recently I purchased a pair of black Bloch leather ballet flats. I absolutely love the feel of these dance shoes and highly recommend them.  I purchased mine from Kinney Dance Wear in Indianapolis. 

This concludes our list of favorite holiday gift items for pole dancers and aerialists.  We hope you found some useful ideas for your holiday shopping!  Have a wonderful holiday season from Pole Harmony! 

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