
Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Aerial SMART Goals

In my previous blog, I introduced the concept of the SMART curriculum for putting together a plan to achieve a goal.  In this blog I am going to break down a couple of my own goals which will serve as an example for how to go about using this system in your aerial fitness agenda. Looking for a way to plan your week or month and stay accountable?  Check out my February 2017 blog about Fitness Planning for tips and templates to help you stay organized. 


SPECIFIC: I will be able to complete a basic climb on the silks twice on each leg with at least five increments up the silks after a twenty minute warm-up within 2 minutes. 

MEASURABLE: Time myself completing this task via video.

ATTAINABLE: What do I need to do to attain this? Practice my climb drills in a cardio style endurance building manner using the 2 minute marker as addressed in my goal. 

REASONABLE/REALISTIC: Yes. I have a solid basic climb bilaterally. I am working on building endurance in my climbs and have no limitations that would prevent me from achieving this goal. 

TIME-BOUND: 2 minute climb drill set by 4 weeks. 


SPECIFIC: I will attend 2 or more Trapeze classes in the next 4 weeks.

MEASURABLE: Write classes in my day planner to track my progress.

ATTAINABLE: Trapeze classes are on Wednesdays.  For the month of November, I had 4 Wednesdays that did not have any after work commitments. 

REASONABLE: Yes, my schedule will allow me to attend classes. Trapeze is an apparatus within my skill set.

TIME-BOUND: 2 classes in a 4 week time frame.


SPECIFIC: To write a routine for Trapeze that I can perform in the upcoming student/instructor showcase on December 16th. 

MEASURABLE: Video documentation will determine my progress and readiness to perform.

ATTAINABLE:  Choose a song and write a routine using skill level appropriate trapeze moves.

REASONABLE: I am giving myself 46 days to prepare a routine on trapeze. 

TIME-BOUND: At the time of this goal being made, I have 46 days until the performance on December 16th.

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