
Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Back on the Pure Barre On Demand Bandwagon (Newly Re-branded as Pure Barre GO)

It's been a couple weeks of consistent participation in at home Pure Barre GO workouts and I am happy to report that I am feeling the progress.  My core is feeling so much stronger.  I have also noticed a slimming down of my post baby belly.  Things are starting to tone up.  I'm also experiencing DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) on a regular basis so I know these workouts are targeting areas that need attention.

My favorite part of doing the Pure Barre GO classes is how easy they are to do.  It is so convenient for Moms that can't get away to attend a live class or leave the home to go to the gym.  I usually do my workouts after baby boy has been put down to bed for the night.  I'm also enjoying the low impact movements of their fitness philosophy.

There are some downsides to the at home workouts and that is in regards to the equipment.  I haven't been able to find their double tube resistance bands for at home use.  A couple years ago I was able to purchase one of their red balls and I believe I got it from their online store.  I do not see an online store through their main website however, reddit users have commented that there is a new website layout in the works and the online store will be back.  Prospective re-opening of the online store has been said "early 2020." So that is something we will have to wait and see if it transpires.  I just don't get the impression that their online classes are a priority in the grand scheme of things.  I could be wrong.  In the meantime I have been using a figure 8 resistance band I acquired many years ago from Amazon.  For now, it does the job.  I do plan on stopping by a local studio to see if they sell the double tube resistance bands.

Another equipment pitfall I experienced was during one of the workouts I was instructed to "pull off the barre."  This basically means you are holding onto the barre and leaning your weight back and using the barre to support all your weight.  This does not work using a chair or stand alone barre supports that you may use such as the Lebert Equilizer Bars.  This is best performed in a door frame using the wall, a stable couch or other piece of furniture, or as in my case a secure dance fitness pole.  This is a great reason to preview the online videos prior to performing them if you have the time to do so.  While the PB GO videos have been really good at telling you exactly what equipment is needed for each workout, there have been surprises like the pull off the barre that can leave you fumbling around in the midst of a workout.

These were just a few of my thoughts as far after a couple weeks of consistent participation in their online classes.  I have recently decided to adopt the "2 day workout" idea for my fitness goals this year which means you don't go more than 2 days in a row of not working out.  I got this idea from a local influencer that posted about the concept on Instagram and decided to work it into my ideology for my own personal fitness.  I really like that it takes the pressure off and I don't feel bad about taking it easy if I need to or if a workout just doesn't fit into my day (which I've yet to experience since PB GO offers various quick workouts that can be completed in as little as 10 minutes).  I'm planning to continue updating my progress as long as I am a subscriber to the PB GO so be on the lookout for future blogs as I continue along my at home fitness journey.

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